After breaking over 28 World-Records, Wim Hof shows us how to be healthy and happy using the techniques designed by Nature.
If you haven’t heard of Wim Hof yet, this is not your typical biohacker du jour performing amazing feats. Incredible athletes are also easy to find.
Wim is unique, not because of his many world-records, but because of how he is lovingly trashing the “rules” of conventional science about human potential in-order to wake us up.
The “Experts” Are Wrong
We have been brainwashed to believe science has the answers about what is possible for us and our bodies.
The problem is that the scientific community, posing as scientific study has been largely co-opted by large businesses, universities, and those who have built their careers upon ideas that are just plain wrong.
Much of science has become a religion with false fixed beliefs, focused on defending those beliefs.
Wim Hof is changing that, proving that we are not helpless victims, but have much more control over our health, strength, and happiness than most anyone realizes. Once we let the false assumptions go, we will find that much more is possible. This is step #1 in how to be healthy and happy.
Arguably, few alive today can so convincingly demonstrate that only our beliefs limit us, and that we can create ultimate health, strength, and happiness without drugs, anywhere, and under any circumstances. This is true self-empowerment in its most raw form.
Wim reminds us often that he is not uniquely superhuman, we all are. We all have these abilities; we have just been operating under false assumptions.
Thanks to men like Wim Hof, affectionately called “The Iceman” children and adults alike will grow up with a different core belief, which will change how they will see and operate in the world. This will open up previously unbelievable possibilities for all of humanity.
Wim Hof’s Story

“The Iceman” Has a Warm Heart and Jedi Mind
Wim Hof was born in the Netherlands on April 20, 1959.
At age 17, he discovered after reading many hundreds of books that the answer to understanding ourselves, and our potential is not in the head, it’s in the body and the brain together. He says that being immersed in cold water triggered this connection for him.
“You can’t hide from the mountain or the cold. Nature is much stronger and it will break you if you resist. You have to learn to let go, and then things can happen in the body naturally, and allow you to manipulate the body. Nature is merciless, but righteous.”
Tragically, in 1995 his wife committed suicide, leaving him to care for their 4 children alone. He laments that he could only find peace within his own emotional depth, trusting that he would find it deep within himself. He looked to Nature, climbing free-solo (without gear), braving extreme cold conditions, and this finally brought the internal silence he was yearning for.
The media started noticing his amazing feats and brought more attention. Soon people began asking what else he could do, and so he accepted many new challenges, and added more world-records to his resume.
He has now been featured in countless documentaries and interviews. Famous athletes, stars, and health experts all over the world have begun using his method and adopting his empowering perspective.
A Few of His Mind Blowing Feats
- In 2007, he climbed up to the “death zone” on Mt. Everest wearing nothing but shorts.
- Without any training or even running a mile prior, he ran a ½ marathon, mid-winter in Finland. He did this braving the -30 degree Celsius (-22 Fahrenheit) cold, barefoot, wearing only shorts… Yes, barefoot, in shorts.
- “Can you do it in heat as well?” someone challenged. He ran another ½ marathon in the Namibian desert barefoot and without water to show that the same could be done in heat, even though he had no prior training in the heat. Despite losing over 5 liters of water of perspiration, his core body temperature remained the same.
- Wim holds the current Guinness World Record for being submerged in ice, 1 hour 53 minutes and 12 seconds.
- He did have a close call with one of his record-breaking events. He set the world-record for the longest distance swam under the ice while holding his breath. The problem was he missed the exit hole on a practice run due to the retinas in his eyes literally freezing (he wasn’t wearing goggles). The safety diver finally pulled him out, but he also claims he completely lost his fear of death from surviving the experience.
He also led a team of others with all kinds of health issues (some over 65 years old) to prove to themselves that they could do things like run marathons, and even climb Kilimanjaro despite cold temperatures and low oxygen.
The deep breathing exercises allowed their cells to get more oxygen, to create more energy, to help maintain their heat despite the elements. There’s also the important aspect of mastering the mind.

Wim Hof teaches us how to be healthy and happy by mastering our body and mind for ultimate wellbeing.
The Scientific Proof, “Testing the Iceman”
Wim’s mission was born in 2007 at the Feinstein Institute of New York (a biological institute). Following several tests of his abilities and reading his blood analysis, Dr. Kenneth Kamler told Wim that if he could teach others to do what he does, it would mean a huge shift in understanding and incredibly positive consequences for mankind.
The University that did the research had a device to measure oxygen saturation levels up to the accepted 100% level. Wim and his team were able to prove that what the machine claims is 100% oxygen saturation is false, because it is only based on what we think our body’s limits are. His team tested at levels much further up the scale, to 150% or more.
After doing extended deep breathing to saturate their bodies with oxygen to these higher levels, he and his student then began to hold their breath. After a minute and a half, the scale on the device started dropping down to 30% and the device shut down, even though they went much lower. Wim says, at 40% the body normally begins to die.
The primitive brain stem is naturally reactive to such conditions. It wakes up when it feels the body is in danger. In this case though, the pH (alkalinity level) of the students’ bodies were very high because of the deep breathing. So, nothing damaging was actually happening to the brain or body. The primitive brain however, automatically stimulates ‘survival mode” and adrenalin goes through the roof. If you do this often enough, it begins to re-establish neural pathways from the cerebral cortex (thinking brain) to the primitive brain.
If you don’t breathe deep enough, especially during strenuous exercise, you will exhaust the oxygen reserves in the tissue and you become acidic, and unable to perform.
The key point here is that we are able to store more oxygen, but we have to go beyond our normal conditioned breathing patterns, which is too shallow. You have to breathe MORE than you feel is needed.
When the cells are better oxygenated, they produce more energy.
These SuperHuman Jedi Skills Can Be Taught
Wim took a group of 26 novice climbers to Kilimanjaro to prove these skills can be taught quickly and effectively. Some had cancer, some had various auto-immune diseases, M.S., chron’s disease, and others. The oldest participant was 65 and previously had quadruple bi-pass surgery on his heart.
Wim told the press that he was going to lead them up the mountain in 3 days wearing only shorts, and no oxygen devices. The skeptics were adamant that this was impossible and that some of these people would surely die on the journey. The group made it in 2 days (46 hours).
In Jan of 2015, he repeated the task with another group in 31 hrs. The oldest this time was 76, and ironically was the one Wim was sure would be fine. It was the youngsters who posed more of a concern he said, because their mind is not yet in connection with their body.
Video of Wim Hof “The Iceman”
Upgrading Our Energy and Natural Immunity
Through focusing the mind and deeper breathing, Wim proves that we are able to increase the mitochondrial energy output by 300%. The technique stimulates the efficient drawing upon white fat in the body for fuel (ketosis), and also increases the healthy brown fat. Not only does this increase our strength and energy, but possibly provides a much more effective tool for weight-loss.
Another important benefit is that you are also able to detox, say from a hangover, with 20 minutes of this deep breathing. This is a good thing to remember if you have one of “those kind” of mornings.
How About Improving Your Sex Life?
After ejaculation for example, you can do the breathing and be ready much sooner for another round. You also increase sensitivity both in your body and toward your partner.
Perhaps most impressive, is how we can significantly improve our immune system and ability to heal. Normally, our immune system activates more slowly over a period of a couple of weeks while it figures out the appropriate immune response to kill any intruder, but Wim demonstrates that we can do it within half an hour through deep breathing, which significantly raises our pH level, and then directing our attention with a focused mind.
“Through thinking with a focused mind, you influence your cellular activity.”
Through a comparative study done by The University of Rattbaud in Holland, Wim has shown by taking other novice participants and training them all in 4 days how to breathe effectively, and withstand icy cold temperatures, that they could also consciously tap into the autonomic nervous system that is related to the immune system and influence it. Never mind that this is believed to be impossible.
Wim and his novice students were injected with an endotoxin and were able to consciously control their immune systems to thwart live bacteria and viruses injected into their blood streams.
Harvard University is now on board to study Wim’s method and prove that everyone can heal themselves, and that we are beings who are naturally strong, healthy, and happy.
Wim uses universities to study him so that there is no speculation, just hard data, statistics, and solid proof that we are much more powerful than we think.
Since he was able to validate and prove to them, under clinical laboratory settings, that he could replicate these same “amazing” human feats, he has created a great starting point for these researchers to develop further evidence based methods to help sick people to heal and even cure themselves much faster.
“Finally, it is now proven without any speculation, “ Wim says. Once people saw that his methods and ideas were being scientifically validated, then they began coming to him in droves. He feels though that unfortunately, “Science is as fast to catch up as a slow turtle.”
He doesn’t want anyone to suffer anymore from lack of health or happiness. “We are changing science itself, because it needs to be updated. We are capable of doing so much more than we think, and it’s time we bring this out.”
His goal is to rewrite the science books, to break the limitations imposed by old beliefs about what is truly possible for us, “…that we can tackle distractions like disease, unhappiness, and lack of energy and instead experience real love on all levels.”
“It just FEELS GOOD!”
~Wim Hof
The Wim Hof Method
The Answer, the Method is SIMPLE.
Wim teaches people how to be healthy and happy, regaining control of their systems by better breathing, using a little cold exposure, and also using their mind and belief to know they can. We are actually able to control the previously unconscious regulation of the body. We are perfectly able to maintain health, strength, and happiness, he says.
A Simple Outline For You To Practice -click here
Want to Activate Your “3rd Eye”?
DMT (dimethyltryptamine) also known as the “spirit molecule” is naturally produced in the pineal gland in small amounts. The Pineal gland has rods and cones similar to your eyes, and is believed to be the actual “third eye,” where intuition, imagination, and epiphanies are said to originate in the brain.
DMT is the same primary psycho-active component to Ayahuasca, the mystical elixir brew the South American shamans have used for thousands of years to produce powerful multi-dimensional experiences, life-changing insights, and transformation of all kinds of mental disorders in their patients.
Waking Up The Primal Parts of Your Brain
Through the breathing techniques, you are able to bring more blood flow to the more primitive areas of the brain like the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. You also raise the pH of the cells by bringing more oxygen from increased blood flow. This increased alkalinity promotes better functioning cells leading to a wide array of health benefits.
The Deeper Spiritual Awakening Breath
You can also then consciously manipulate the breath while taking in air deep down, compress the abdomen, then the electrical neurological ganglia of the spinal column pushes the energy up to the chest area, then contract the chest and it goes up to the neck, then the brain. [This could also be closely related to the stimulation of the vagus nerve].
You will feel that you are in the middle of your brain. This activates and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands deeply and DMT is released.
Congratulations, your third eye is now open and ready for multi-dimensional exploration.
Anybody can learn to do this, he assures.
Creating Ultimate Health and Happiness Without Drugs
No Need For Pills or External Circumstances
When you can better control the endocrine system, you can turn on the hormone regulation to create the feelings of happiness. This is done by your mastery of your body, rather than an unconscious response to external circumstance.
Wim and researchers studying his methods believe that his simple breathing technique can alleviate most depression. He says that most depression is caused by depriving our body’s primal systems of blood and thereby oxygen.
We live with so much comfort nowadays that the neo-cortex (newer, outer brain) dominates and takes a huge percentage of the blood, oxygen, and energy flow. The deeper parts of the brain get starved and the body gets weaker. The more we are insulated from Nature, the more we are thinking all the time.
Logic tells us that the older, animal parts of the brain stem and limbic system need equal share of blood and oxygen (carried by the blood) to make all the systems work effectively. If these areas are not getting fed by blood, oxygen, and energy, the pH level is also affected (it becomes acidic), and we don’t have as much control over them.
More Powerful Implications
All of this affects every part and aspect of your life. It gives you a sense of control that is beyond words or description, regaining access to the deeper layers of your physiology at will. You can create health, strength, and happiness without drugs anywhere under any circumstances.
As you activate and bring more of yourself online, hidden aspects of yourself and your experience that your subconscious mind has suppressed may emerge because they are there. “Do not force, it’s there… No violence to the body, just go into it and gradually go deeper into your system.” Nature brings you the right teachers. Learn to follow the intelligence of the heart and the gut.
Wim’s Personal Message to All of Us.
The quintessence of Wim’s message is, “We gotta change the way we think, our beliefs, like a paradigm shift. The new world is a world of harmony and we will do this together. “
He says he’s not afraid to die, he’s afraid of not living fully. Just watching Wim for a few minutes, you absolutely get that he enjoys life!
His goal is to help conquer ignorance about how to be healthy and happy, as well as our ability to master our bodies by trusting Nature. By sharing these ideas he says, we are helping make this paradigm shift possible. This goes beyond religion to what’s true of everyone and helps spread the love and the light.
“I wanna bring back love in the world. Love is compelled by happiness, strength, and health. If you radiate good energy because you’re healthy, happy, and strong…that’s love. So love is my mission.”
Check Out Wim Hof’s Online Video Course
- Boost Your Immune System To Bulletproof Yourself And Feel Fully Charged
- Become A “Super” Version Of Yourself In Just 10 Short, Life Transforming Weeks
- Learn Ancient Techniques In Combination With Modern Cutting Edge Strategies
To Increase Your Health And Wellbeing - Feel Energized During The Day, While Sleeping Like A Baby At Night
Try the Wim Hof Method regularly at home to create ultimate health and happiness. We’d love to hear your comments about how it’s worked for you.
Download The Iceman’s Inner Fire iPhone App
Strengthen your body and mind. With this app you can train and begin applying the Wim Hof Method (WHM) – Ignite your Innerfire.
- Watch Wim personally guide you through the breathing exercise and cold immersion techniques
- Record your progress on the built in calendar (both breathing retention and exercise reps while holding the breath)
- Added Tips and Guidance
- National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America – Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans (Proof That We Can Control the Immune and Nervous Systems.)
- Joe Rogan Experience with Wim Hof
- London Real Interview with Wim Hof
- Tim Ferris Podcast with Wim Hof
- Daniel Vitalis Interview with Wim Hof
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